Ever wonder how much a rainy day effects you mood? Mimi gets tired of the rain most days, but today she welcomed it because it kept her indoors to paint. The frogs are croaking, and last night the air smelled of blossoms. It is no wonder Mimi would paint flowers again. Somehow her painting—as well as her mood—has been influenced by the rain. The lack of sunshine in the sky has shown up in her painting. Still only three colors have been used on her palette, red, blue and yellow. It is helping somewhat with color harmony and she is getting better at mixing colors. Mimi is still working on focal point and foreground vs. background. If you have any helpful information, leave Holly a comment and she will pass it along to Mimi.
2014 in review
10 years ago
That is gorgeous! That petal that is folding looks like it's coming off the page Mimi!!!